"Stomach Upset, ache, pain - natural home remedies"

Upset stomachs can happen for a number of reasons. It can be caused by eating a food you are allergic to or it can be caused by food poisoning. You can have an upset stomach if you have the flu. Medication you may be taking can cause an upset stomach as well. Whatever the reason, you'll find all kinds upset stomach remedies being advised by different people. Before you try any upset stomach remedies you should try to discover the cause.

  • Eating bland foods. Try eating soups or broth and avoid spicy foods until your upset stomach goes away.
  • Baking soda and water. You can mix a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and sip it slowly. This will help ease gas pains and upset stomach for a lot of people, especially heartburn and indigestion. You can use this mixture as a remedy every two hours up to 7 times in a 24 hour period.
  • People who have an upset stomach can try drinking spearmint or peppermint tea to ease an upset stomach. These herbs help sooth upset stomach.
  • Ginger root is a good herb for upset stomach. It has been used for 2000 years or more in China as an upset stomach remedy. You can make ginger out of ginger root and drink that for an upset stomach remedy. You can also buy a bottle of ginger ale in the store and drink that to relieve upset stomach. Eating candied ginger will also relieve nausea.
  • Catnip tea is also on the list of upset stomach remedies. This herb helps to calm nausea as well.
  • You can buy over the counter medicines like Pepto-Bismol for an upset stomach remedy. You can buy it in liquid form or chewable tablets. Pepto-Bismol helps sooth the entire digestive tract.
  • Milk of Magnesia can help relieve acid indigestion, heart burn and upset stomach.
  • Chewing Tums helps some people relieve upset stomach.
  • Avoid eating foods like coffee, onions, milk, cauliflower, chocolate, fried foods and baked beans which can cause upset stomach for some.
  • Eat a banana if you have upset stomach. Bananas are good to sooth the digestive tract and can neutralize stomach acids that may be causing upset stomach. Bananas are also good to use if you have upset stomach along with diarrhea.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Stomach Upset, ache, pain - natural home remedies"

Upset stomachs can happen for a number of reasons. It can be caused by eating a food you are allergic to or it can be caused by food poisoning. You can have an upset stomach if you have the flu. Medication you may be taking can cause an upset stomach as well. Whatever the reason, you'll find all kinds upset stomach remedies being advised by different people. Before you try any upset stomach remedies you should try to discover the cause.

  • Eating bland foods. Try eating soups or broth and avoid spicy foods until your upset stomach goes away.
  • Baking soda and water. You can mix a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and sip it slowly. This will help ease gas pains and upset stomach for a lot of people, especially heartburn and indigestion. You can use this mixture as a remedy every two hours up to 7 times in a 24 hour period.
  • People who have an upset stomach can try drinking spearmint or peppermint tea to ease an upset stomach. These herbs help sooth upset stomach.
  • Ginger root is a good herb for upset stomach. It has been used for 2000 years or more in China as an upset stomach remedy. You can make ginger out of ginger root and drink that for an upset stomach remedy. You can also buy a bottle of ginger ale in the store and drink that to relieve upset stomach. Eating candied ginger will also relieve nausea.
  • Catnip tea is also on the list of upset stomach remedies. This herb helps to calm nausea as well.
  • You can buy over the counter medicines like Pepto-Bismol for an upset stomach remedy. You can buy it in liquid form or chewable tablets. Pepto-Bismol helps sooth the entire digestive tract.
  • Milk of Magnesia can help relieve acid indigestion, heart burn and upset stomach.
  • Chewing Tums helps some people relieve upset stomach.
  • Avoid eating foods like coffee, onions, milk, cauliflower, chocolate, fried foods and baked beans which can cause upset stomach for some.
  • Eat a banana if you have upset stomach. Bananas are good to sooth the digestive tract and can neutralize stomach acids that may be causing upset stomach. Bananas are also good to use if you have upset stomach along with diarrhea.

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